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2 posts tagged with "CVE"

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PWN Debugging and 1-day exploit development for CVE-2018-1160

· 5 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

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It took about 1.5 days, and overall it was a very productive debugging and reproducing process. I learned some exploitation and debugging techniques, and it was very helpful for expanding my mindset.

The discovery process of the vulnerability is explained clearly by the author in Exploiting an 18 Year Old Bug. A Write-up for CVE-2018–1160 | by Jacob Baines, which is very interesting. You can also find a translated version at Discovery and Exploitation of Netatalk CVE-2018-1160_c01dkit's Blog-CSDN Blog.

The author mentioned in their blog that this vulnerability can only be exploited on NAS with -no-pie. However, the creator of the HITCON 2019 challenge, DDAA, provided an exploit approach in HITCON CTF 2019 Pwn 371 Netatalk (, which basically involves leveraging the nature of fork where child processes do not change the memory layout — in other words, ASLR plays a very minor role (laughs). This way, we can expose a valid address through a side channel and then exploit it.

PWN CVE-2023-4911 Reproduction

· 9 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

Recently encountered this vulnerability, it seems to have a wide range of potential exploits. Although most machines in China seem to have a relatively low version of libc, let's take a look at it first.

Environment Setup

Testing Environment

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS on Windows 10 x86_64


Glibc: 2.35-0ubuntu3.3