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How to Replace TS Self-built Server IP with Your Own Domain Name

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博客文章详细介绍了如何使用自己的域名来替换 TeamSpeak3 自建服务器的 IP 地址。文章的关键内容包括:

  1. 前期准备工作

    • 需要一个已经安装过 TeamSpeak3 服务器的软件和一个域名。
  2. 操作步骤

    • 添加A记录:在 DNS 管理面板中添加一个 A 记录,设置主机头(例如 ts)和服务器的 IP 地址,即原来登录 TeamSpeak 所使用的 IP。
    • 添加SRV记录:设置 _ts3 作为服务,_udp 作为协议,名称为前面的主机头,目标是完整域名,端口为 TeamSpeak 默认端口(9987),权重和优先级分别为 5 和 0,TTL 为 1800 秒。
  3. 验证和注意事项

    • 保存设置后,可以尝试使用新的域名连接到 TeamSpeak 服务器,如失败,可以等待一段时间重新尝试。

提供了具体的步骤和示例表格,帮助用户正确配置 DNS 记录,使其能够通过域名连接到 TeamSpeak 服务器。


Steps (Using GoDaddy DNS Control as an Example)

1. Add an A Record

  • Fill in the Name with the host header (For example, if I want to use to log into Teamspeak for my domain, then fill in ts)
  • Fill in the Value with the corresponding server IP (the IP originally used to log into Teamspeak)

2. Add an SRV Record

  • Use _ts3 as the Service
  • Use _udp as the Protocol
  • Use the host header filled in step 1 as the Name
  • Use the full domain name as the Target
  • Use the Teamspeak port as the Port (default is 9987)
  • Set Weight to 5, Priority to 0 (or 1)
  • You can set the TTL to 1800 seconds, as this is the refresh duration for the ts3 server

After saving the settings, your two records should look like this: (please replace the content with your own)

Ats127.0.0.13600 seconds
SRV_ts3._udp.ts0 5 9987 ts.n.ova.moe1800 seconds

Mission Accomplished

Now, you can try to connect to Teamspeak using the domain name you set up! If it fails, you can wait for about half an hour and try connecting again.

Some Notes

I have no idea either, hehe


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